How We Help You & Who We Are -
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How We Help You & Who We Are

You grudgingly buy life insurance

I grudgingly buy life insurance too. It’s a pain in the ass, just another expense. But when I consider what would happen to my family if I died without life insurance, I feel sick with worry.

Maybe that’s just me, but if you’re like me, I’d like to help you.

Especially if you have a health condition

You should be able to prepare for the bad shit in life and look after your loved ones, regardless of any pre-existing medical condition.

I know it can be difficult if you have a medical condition, such as high BMI, mental health issue or diabetes to find the kind of life insurance product you need – but I’m here to help.

We’re a specialist life insurance broker with award-winning customer service our mission is to help you to get the life insurance products you need at a price you can afford.

A little about us

Left to right , we’re John (looking delighted he had to pose), Hannah (being a 12 year old),  Kathleen trying to hide and me laughing at how uncomfortable posing for a picture is.

And we’re passionate about guiding you through the minefield that is life insurance, regardless of your health.

We think it’s wrong that the life insurance companies and the banks make it so bloody difficult to get cover if you have a health issue.

We built because we’re on a mission to make life insurance possible for everyone be they in perfect, or not so perfect health. We can’t all be up at 6am running 10k or doing CrossFit.

We’ll look at your personal situation and recommend an insurer that is most sympathetic to your condition. We won’t just apply to the cheapest insurer as this could do more harm than good.

We’ll help answer any questions you have in plain English so you fully understand what you are buying and any life insurance exclusions that may apply before you sign on the dotted line.

We’ll give you sound, unbiased advice on all the insurance companies in Ireland so you can choose the one that’s best for you.



we're a bit different

Look, there’s nothing more serious that death and illness, we get it but we try to laugh in the face of death instead of crying.

Yes, we’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.

But if you want expert advice, don’t mind a bit of irreverence and are happy to work over email and phone, we’re a perfect fit.

We can do boring stuff too:

More importantly…

And finally…if you want some other reasons to choose us as your broker (or to choose any broker over a bank!)

Battle of The Brokers | How to compare life insurance brokers

What people are saying

Feel free to call me us 05793 20836 or complete the short form below to get in touch.

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057 93 20836

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