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The Lion Life Insurance Blog

Laya Life Insurance – How Does it Compare?

Laya life insurance markets itself as no-frills life insurance, but is it a viable alternative to what's already on the life insurance market?

What is a PMAR? Life Insurance Medical Report

Medical science can spot a health issue so quickly that there seems to be hardly a healthy human left.

So don't be surprised if your insurer requests a medical report from your GP.

Here's why they need a PMAR...and how you can avoid them.

The Definitive Guide to Dual Mortgage Protection

You're looking for a mortgage protection policy:

You're probably  looking for the best priced mortgage protection policy.

But will you find the best value mortgage protection policy?

You will if you keep on reading.

Whole of Life Insurance that Pays for Itself

The two things that piss everybody off about life insurance are:

Having to pay for it
Not getting anything from it

I have the solution.

Life Insurance as Guarantor – a Headache for Irish Mortgage Applications

It's common for a parent to help out their child by acting as guarantor for their mortgage.

But what if your bank insists they need to pay through the nose for life insurance too?

What are your options?

Life Assurance After a Heart Attack

It's possible to get life insurance after a heart attack.

But there are a number of factors you need to be aware of.

I discuss them in more detail in this post.

Life Insurance with a Stent Fitted

You can get life insurance and mortgage protection cover after having a stent fitted.

Here we go through the factors the underwriters will consider before offering cover.

Be warned! If you're under 40, it's going to be difficult to get cover.

How to Answer Life Insurance Health & Medical Questions

The life insurance company isn't trying to catch you out.

Yeah, yeah, I know you're a teeny bit sceptical but hear me out!

Currently, the insurers only refuse around 5% of all the life insurance and serious illness claims that they receive.

Or putting a more positive spin on it, they pay 95 in 100 claims. Not bad, eh?

Getting Life Insurance in Ireland with Cardiomyopathy

It's possible to get life insurance with cardiomyopathy if you apply to the most sympathetic insurer.

But it's not straightforward.

Here's our guide.

Income Protection for the Self Employed & Freelancers

You and I have a lot in common.

Like me, you’re self-employed, or your partner is.

Like me, you’ve taken a risk by forfeiting a cushy role as an employee where you had the comfort of a regular income.

You’ve left behind benefits like income protection and death in service.

And you waved goodbye to illness benefit from the state should you get sick.

Are you CRAZY?

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As Ireland's leading life insurance broker, we specialise in comparing the rates and policies from the top five Irish life insurance providers and offering the very best value quotes to suit the individual needs of our clients. Our expertise lies in finding a suitable insurance plan for those with specific needs, be it a particular illness, occupation or claim history, we've got you covered in every sense!

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