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The Lion Life Insurance Blog

What Illnesses Affect Mortgage Protection?

Learn how common health issues like diabetes, mental health, obesity and family history can impact the cost, and sometimes the chances. of getting mortgage protection and life insurance.

We explain how to give yourself the best chance of cover.

7 Tips for Speeding Up your Mortgage Application

There comes a point in adulthood where the recurring nightmares of your youth (your teeth falling out; having to re-sit your Leaving and failing terribly; asking a young one out and being shot down with a look that still haunts you) fade away for something a bit more grown up.

It’ll happen all of a sudden. You’ll be having a class sleep (a rare thing in and of itself, between kids and work and all the rest) only to wake up in a pool of sweat, heart hammering, because you dreamed that you...

3 Reasons Not To Buy Income Protection

Income protection is vital for financial security in case of illness or injury, even for the young and healthy.

Social welfare benefits may fall short, and work coverage is often insufficient.

Don't gamble with your income—get income protection for peace of mind.

Mortgage Protection and Diabetes

Worried about securing mortgage protection with diabetes in Ireland?

Despite the challenges, it's possible to obtain coverage.

In this blog, we'll explain how.

Can You Get Life Insurance if You Have Bipolar Disorder?

When it come to bipolar disorder, you may think that the greatest concern of the life insurance company is death by suicide.

Generally people hear the word bipolar and immediately think that person is a danger to themselves.

As a result, you might think that someone who has had suicidal thoughts or attempts in the past will be declined for life cover...

Life Insurance with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

We know how awful irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is, being prone to constipation, alternating sometimes with diarrhoea, constantly feeling like a beast has taken up residence in your gut.

Arranging mortgage protection or life insurance with irritable bowel syndrome should be a breeze in comparison...if you choose the right insurer.

That's where we come in.

We're Ireland's specialist life insurance advisor which means we know which insurer to approach if you have IBS saving you time, hassle and most importantly money.

Cancer Cover is Possible (even if you can’t get serious illness cover)

She walked slowly into the room and looked John straight in the eye.

“I’m sorry, but I have bad news…”

John heard the word “cancer” then his own thoughts drowned out the words tumbling from his doctor’s mouth.

Can You Get Mortgage Protection after an Abnormal Smear?

If your last smear was abnormal, most insurers will not be in a position to offer you cover until you have had a normal smear.

But we deal with some insurers who can offer you cover now.

And we'll be able to get you the normal price.

Your Insider Guide To Illness Benefits And Surviving Time Off Work

Sometimes finding information on government websites can feel a bit like a hero’s journey straight out of your favourite fantasy novel.

Start on one website, end up on six different sites, pick up a stray Hobbit, pass through Mordor, defeat Sauron, and land on a page that’s meant to help – and yet you’ve still no idea what counts as a qualified adult and what all the numbers in front of you means.

All you want to do is figure out how to protect yourself if you got sick. And yet…what’s all this gobbledegook and either/or logic around PRSI and relevant tax years?

How To Get Life Insurance with Thrombocytopenia

Thrombocytopenia – granted it’s a big word, even bigger than marmalade, but it simply means you suffer from a low blood platelet (thrombocyte) count. It happens when platelets are lost from circulation faster than they can be replaced from the bone marrow where they are made.

But I guess you know this already so you’re wondering how it will affect your chances of getting life insurance or mortgage protection.

Listen up, here’s the deal:

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Life Insurance Quotes - Free and Easy!

As Ireland's leading life insurance broker, we specialise in comparing the rates and policies from the top five Irish life insurance providers and offering the very best value quotes to suit the individual needs of our clients. Our expertise lies in finding a suitable insurance plan for those with specific needs, be it a particular illness, occupation or claim history, we've got you covered in every sense!

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