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The Lion Life Insurance Blog

Life Insurance with Back Pain

Looking into life insurance can be overwhelming. I mean, all that jargon is enough to have you running for the hills howling like a loon.

Chronic illnesses can bump up your premium but what if you suffer from something simple like on and off back pain?

Surely this will be grand thinks you as you close your eyes and wince, in the hope that I'll agree with you.

You're right though, back pain won't increase the cost of mortgage protection or life insurance, but it can affect serious illness cover and income protection.

Okay, so let’s get into the nitty-gritty.

Why are Life Insurance Claims Not Paid?

Is life insurance a big scam?

Do the insurers ever pay out?

These claim stats may surprise you.

Can You Run One Mile?

Our friends at Irish Life have announced their Family Mile Challenge.

Because running isn’t just for us boring grown-ups, it’s for the kiddie winks too. In an effort to not only encourage us to get active but rope in the rest of the family too, Irish Life is asking you lovely lot to strap on those runners and give it a go on the 26th and 27th of June.

Plus, if you register, you have the chance to win some awesome prizes (their words not mine)

a stick
some twine

In fairness, they sent that stick to the office and we all loved it.

Why You Can’t Trust Online Quotes for Mortgage Protection (even ours)

I know what you’re thinking - Is this fella trying to turn away my business?

Obviously, that’s a big fat nope. I love helping you guys get the best bang for your mortgage protection buck, but I’m also going to be brutally honest so that you can get the best deal.

I’m doing this by shouting from the rooftops not to trust any online quote for your mortgage protection, even the quotes you may have got from my online quote predictor.

But why!? I hear you cry.

Income Protection from Zurich Life | Review

So, you’re looking for the best income protection policy the world can offer, you’ve done all the research, you know income protection is the BEE’S KNEES, but you’re still not sold on which insurer to choose, and if you should go with the lads from Switzerland ??

I know; it’s like sending your toddler into the sweet shop. They know they want sweets, but which one will best serve their toddler-sized sweet tooth is an almost impossible decision. It’s the same for us and insurance, sort of.

A child would never choose Swiss Chocolate, far too rich and not enough sugar but should you go to Zurich for your income protection?

Let’s see,

I’ve rounded up the top 3 policy benefits on income protection from Zurich Life that might tip the scales in their favour.

First up….

Mortgage Protection Irish Life | 2022 Review

If mortgage protection from Irish Life is on your radar, you’ll want to know what makes them better than anyone else and what kind of benefits you can get from these boyos that you might not be able to get from anyone else.

First up is one of the biggies: Protection Flexibility

Can you Combine Mortgage Protection and Life Insurance on one Policy?

I'm not a betting man, but I'd bet a pound to a penny (or a euro to a cent) that you're on the road to owning your very own home.

Very exciting!

But let's hold off on the clinking glasses and welcome mats for now.

Because there are many other less exciting, some might even say boring, things that go hand in hand with purchasing a property.

Life Insurance with Kidney Disease

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably searching for information about getting life insurance with kidney disease in Ireland.

Excellent, you’ve come to the right place.

We have helped many people get cover, not everyone, unfortunately, but the vast majority have been successful.

How to Be Safe in a World of Risk

Can I be brutally honest with you?

And I don't mean honest in a your bum looks big in that sort of way.

I mean really honest.


Here goes...

How Does the Help to Buy Scheme Work in 2022?

The Irish property market is mental.

Prices have skyrocketed to the moon, and there are no signs of them falling back to earth.

I bet you’re feeling pretty darn overwhelmed and wondering if you’ll ever get a foot on that ladder or if you’ll spend your time sliding down slippery snakes.

In this blog we look at the help available to First time Buyer's specifically the Help to Buy Scheme.

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As Ireland's leading life insurance broker, we specialise in comparing the rates and policies from the top five Irish life insurance providers and offering the very best value quotes to suit the individual needs of our clients. Our expertise lies in finding a suitable insurance plan for those with specific needs, be it a particular illness, occupation or claim history, we've got you covered in every sense!

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