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The Lion Life Insurance Blog

What’s the Cost of Life Insurance in Ireland?

Meet Bob.

Bob is 25. He likes to drink pale ale and enjoys taking me-time to moisturise his beard with special oils he buys off the internet.

Bob also really likes Nickelback and Coldplay, but he can’t admit that out loud because it’s not cool. Bob’s been doing some reading and has decided to get his personal finances in order: and top of his list is to look into Life Insurance.

Best Serious Illness Cover In Ireland in 2024

When it comes to comparing life insurance insurance policies, it's usually a reasonably open playing field between the providers.

For Serious Illness Cover, we're going to pooh-pooh Aviva (sorry Aviva but your definitions are more difficult to satisfy than your competitors making it harder to make a successful claim)

Let's look at what Serious Illness Cover actually does.

Compare Life Insurance Quotes in 18 Different Ways!

As consumers, we're fascinated by comparisons.

We love knowing the best, the worst, and everything in between.

And having all the information in the world at our fingertips has made us even hungrier to find out all we can before we make a purchase.

So today, to save you from spending hours on the interweb trying to compare insurers, in this article I'll do it for you.

How Does Life Insurance Work In Ireland in 2024

Many people view life insurance as nothing more than a transaction—you give the insurer money, and the insurers pay you money if you die.

But what if we saw it as more than just paperwork?

What if we saw it for what it really is – a protective bubble around your family finances, ensuring the ones you love the most are secure regardless of what happens to you?

Switch Mortgage Deals in Ireland 2024

Once upon a time, Ireland’s entire housing market descended into a massive ball of fire.

I’m sure you’re familiar with it.

One of the things that fell away, alongside property prices (now rising meteorically again) was the habit of switching mortgages.

But they're back, baby.

What is a Section 72 Life Insurance Policy?

Despite how it sounds, Section 72 isn’t actually the name of a military base deep in America where aliens are being investigated. I mean it could be. CIA, don’t come for me.

Let’s try that again. In the context of Life Insurance: Section 72 ISN'T the name of a secret military base where aliens are being investigated.

Instead, Section 72 is a type of Life Insurance you can take out in Ireland to pay off Capital Acquisition Tax. Also known as CAT. Also known as ‘meow’.

Also known, more commonly, as inheritance tax.

Inheritance tax is the bogeyman of tax. It’s also fecking ridiculous. So let’s start by talking about that CAT.

5 Reasons To Buy Mortgage Protection From a Broker

You're almost there.

The bank has eventually given you mortgage approval.

You've found your dream home.

The vendor has accepted your offer.

Now all you need to do is meet with your bank and buy their mortgage protection, right?

How To Arrange Life Insurance (for less)

There's a very clever way of buying more life insurance cover yet paying less.

And it's so easy to do.

That's what I look at in today's blog.

7 Steps to Choosing a Life Insurance Policy in Ireland

Look, choosing a life insurance policy isn't easy.

But follow these quick tips and you'll be fine.

If not, I'm here to help.

Wage Protector 2024 – Income Protection for High Risk Workers

But what happens if you can’t work for a long time? Maybe you’re in a car accident or experience depression or fall ill. That magic money machine is about to stop chugging out the good stuff.

It’s why Income Protection is so important.

But if you’re someone who works a job that insurers categorise as risky, you might be facing massive, stonking premiums.
Which might lead you to believe insuring your income is out of reach.

This is where Wage Protector can help.

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057 93 20836

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Life Insurance Quotes - Free and Easy!

As Ireland's leading life insurance broker, we specialise in comparing the rates and policies from the top five Irish life insurance providers and offering the very best value quotes to suit the individual needs of our clients. Our expertise lies in finding a suitable insurance plan for those with specific needs, be it a particular illness, occupation or claim history, we've got you covered in every sense!

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