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The Lion Life Insurance Blog

Life Insurance for Parents | The Ultimate Guide

Do you remember the first time you drove in the dark?

Were you scared?

I was terrified, lost, and couldn't use the headlights.

And I had a baby on the way...

Overweight for Life Insurance or Mortgage Protection in 2025?

Worried you're overweight for life insurance?

You've come to the right place.

We've helped get people cover who had been refused elsewhere.

What Happens When You Make a Life Insurance Claim?

Nobody wants to think about what will happen when you exit stage left but, as boring as it can be, preparation is always key.

So you're paying your premium monthly towards your life insurance, serious illness cover and income protection, but what happens when you or your loved ones need to claim on that policy?

What Happens Mortgage Protection When You Pay Off Your Mortgage?

If you suddenly find yourself in the incredibly fortunate position of being able to pay off some of your mortgage due to:

careful planning,
an unexpected windfall
or Aunty Muriel’s sudden demise, what happens to your mortgage protection?

In this blog, we investigate your options.

Newlywed’s Life Insurance | The Essential Guide

You’ve just got married, and you’re already thinking about your other halves’ potential death.

How very Henry the VIII of you.

In all seriousness, getting married is a big deal. Of course, it is – there’s nothing quite like standing up in front of your friends and families and pledging your love to someone forever.

Income Protection or Health Insurance?

With so many different variations of insurance out there, I know it can get overwhelming.

Many of us think that we're good to go once we have health insurance.

But health insurance has a few sneaky limitations that might not seem like such a big deal until you're in the midst of a medical emergency.

Smoking & Life Insurance in 2025

I’m not going to tell you not to smoke.

I’m not your ma.

I’m also not going to tell you about the health risks, because we all already know. After all, we’ve seen the big rotten tumour on the fag packets.

I am going to tell you that smoking makes your Life Insurance premiums more expensive.

And don’t think you’re not included in this one too, holier-than-thou-vape-smokers. While your vape may smell like cotton candy or whatever notion-y flavour you’ve gone for, the insurers will charge you more too.

Average Cost of Mortgage Protection (2025)

How much is mortgage protection insurance in Ireland?

The average cost of mortgage protection in Ireland is €23.46

And that concludes this blog post.

Have a nice life.

But what if you're not average, what if you're remarkable like most of our clients?

Well then my friend, I urge you to read on.

How Income Protection Works in Ireland in 2025

Your No Bullshit Guide to Income Protection

Based on questions I have been asked over the years.


How to Compare Income Protection in Ireland (2025 Edition)

It’s highly likely that when you were a smallie, your ma or your da told you that to be successful in life, you need to do well in school, get a good job, and work hard.

It’s not bad life advice, though it’s probably a little different now given that every eight-year-old wants to be a YouTuber.

Instead of working hard, all you gotta do to be a millionaire is make videos of you playing video games while screaming at your computer.

Keep it up, son, and someday you might be PewDiePie.

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057 93 20836

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As Ireland's leading life insurance broker, we specialise in comparing the rates and policies from the top five Irish life insurance providers and offering the very best value quotes to suit the individual needs of our clients. Our expertise lies in finding a suitable insurance plan for those with specific needs, be it a particular illness, occupation or claim history, we've got you covered in every sense!

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